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Acorn Squash, Roasted



  • Preheat oven to 350˚F.
  • Halve the squashes through their stems.
  • Place them cut-side up on a baking sheet.
  • Put a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of maple syrup in each squash.
  • Sprinkle with kosher salt.
  • Roast for 40 - 60 minutes.



Nutrition Data

  "serving": "1 serving",
  "calories": "103.97 kcal",
  "carbohydrates": "26.75 g",
  "fat": "0.04 g",
  "fibre": "0 g",
  "protein": "0.04 g",
  "sugar": "23.99 g"
  "nutritionEntries": [
      "id": "maple-syrup",
      "type": "ingredients",
      "amount": {
        "value": 39.99,
        "unit": "g"
      "nutritionData": {
        "serving": {
          "value": 39.99,
          "unit": "g"
        "components": {
          "calories": {
            "value": 103.974,
            "unit": "kcal"
          "protein": {
            "value": 0.039990000000000005,
            "unit": "g"
          "carbohydrates": {
            "value": 26.749311000000002,
            "unit": "g"
          "fat": {
            "value": 0.039990000000000005,
            "unit": "g"
          "fibre": {
            "value": 0,
            "unit": "g"
          "sugar": {
            "value": 23.994000000000003,
            "unit": "g"
  "id": "acorn-squash-roasted",
  "emoji": "🌰",
  "status": "πŸ€”Try Soon",
  "name": "Acorn Squash, Roasted",
  "dataFilePath": "./data/eats/acorn-squash-roasted.json",
  "slug": "acorn-squash-roasted",
  "summary": "",
  "source": "",
  "sourceUrl": "obsidian:///Users/zachshilton/code/eats-plants/source-files/eats/acorn-squash-roasted.md",
  "ingredients": [
    "2 small [acorn-squash](/ingredients/acorn-squash)\n",
    "2 tablespoons [olive-oil](/ingredients/olive-oil)\n",
    "2 tablespoons [maple-syrup](/ingredients/maple-syrup)\n",
    "[garlic](/ingredients/garlic) (optional)\n"
  "method": "*   Preheat oven to 350˚F.\n*   Halve the squashes through their stems.\n*   Place them cut-side up on a baking sheet.\n*   Put a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of maple syrup in each squash.\n*   Sprinkle with kosher salt.\n*   Roast for 40 - 60 minutes.\n",
  "notes": "*   Haven't tried yet.\n*   Based on: <https://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-cook-acorn-squash-223015>\n",
  "nutritionData": {
    "serving": {
      "value": 1,
      "unit": "serving"
    "components": {
      "calories": {
        "value": 103.974,
        "unit": "kcal"
      "protein": {
        "value": 0.039990000000000005,
        "unit": "g"
      "carbohydrates": {
        "value": 26.749311000000002,
        "unit": "g"
      "fat": {
        "value": 0.039990000000000005,
        "unit": "g"
      "fibre": {
        "value": 0,
        "unit": "g"
      "sugar": {
        "value": 23.994000000000003,
        "unit": "g"
    "_dev": {
      "nutritionEntries": [
          "id": "maple-syrup",
          "type": "ingredients",
          "amount": {
            "value": 39.99,
            "unit": "g"
          "nutritionData": {
            "serving": {
              "value": 39.99,
              "unit": "g"
            "components": {
              "calories": {
                "value": 103.974,
                "unit": "kcal"
              "protein": {
                "value": 0.039990000000000005,
                "unit": "g"
              "carbohydrates": {
                "value": 26.749311000000002,
                "unit": "g"
              "fat": {
                "value": 0.039990000000000005,
                "unit": "g"
              "fibre": {
                "value": 0,
                "unit": "g"
              "sugar": {
                "value": 23.994000000000003,
                "unit": "g"
  "yieldData": null,
  "measurementData": null,
  "ingredientTree": {
    "ingredients": [
        "id": "acorn-squash",
        "emoji": "🍠",
        "name": "Acorn squash"
        "id": "olive-oil",
        "emoji": "πŸ«’",
        "name": "Olive oil"
        "id": "maple-syrup",
        "emoji": "🍁",
        "name": "Maple syrup"
        "id": "salt",
        "emoji": "πŸ§‚",
        "name": "Salt"
        "id": "black-peppercorn",
        "emoji": "⚫",
        "name": "Black Peppercorn"
        "id": "nutmeg",
        "emoji": "🌰",
        "name": "Nutmeg"
        "id": "garlic",
        "emoji": "πŸ§„",
        "name": "Garlic"
    "eats": [],
    "flattenedIngredients": [
        "id": "acorn-squash",
        "emoji": "🍠",
        "name": "Acorn squash"
        "id": "olive-oil",
        "emoji": "πŸ«’",
        "name": "Olive oil"
        "id": "maple-syrup",
        "emoji": "🍁",
        "name": "Maple syrup"
        "id": "salt",
        "emoji": "πŸ§‚",
        "name": "Salt"
        "id": "black-peppercorn",
        "emoji": "⚫",
        "name": "Black Peppercorn"
        "id": "nutmeg",
        "emoji": "🌰",
        "name": "Nutmeg"
        "id": "garlic",
        "emoji": "πŸ§„",
        "name": "Garlic"
    "flattenedEats": []
  "usedIn": []