- https://oceandesaveurs.ca/ - ordered these off Amazon in January of 2024. Just tried on 2024-01-17 making some dashi broth, and wow it smells so nice and seaweed-ish! Much more intense and appetizing flavour than the previous kombu I was using from United Supermarket. I feel like I might be a convert! And should probably order from this place directly next time.
Used In
"id": "kombu",
"emoji": "πΏ",
"name": "Kombu",
"dataFilePath": "./data/ingredients/kombu.json",
"sourceUrl": "obsidian:///Users/zachshilton/code/eats-plants/source-files/ingredients/kombu.md",
"sections": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Sources",
"content": "* <https://oceandesaveurs.ca/> - ordered these off Amazon in January of 2024. Just tried on 2024-01-17 making some dashi broth, and wow it smells so nice and seaweed-ish! Much more intense and appetizing flavour than the previous kombu I was using from United Supermarket. I feel like I might be a convert! And should probably order from this place directly next time.\n"
"measurementData": null,
"nutritionData": null,
"usedIn": [
"id": "mushroom-dashi",
"emoji": "π΅",
"name": "Mushroom Dashi"