Summary of above:
You can apparently also harvest and prune the stems - but this seems more involved, and it says "some people" do it. So going to start with the basics, as above π
"id": "basil",
"emoji": "πΏ",
"name": "Basil",
"dataFilePath": "./data/ingredients/basil.json",
"sourceUrl": "obsidian:///Users/zachshilton/code/eats-plants/source-files/ingredients/",
"sections": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Notes",
"content": "* <>\n\nSummary of above:\n\n* Only harvest leaves once the plant is 6 - 8 inches tall\n* Never let the plant exceed 8 inches before trimming it\n* Remove leaves from every section of the plant, without cutting the stems. This helps your plant grow more.\n* Recommended approach is to harvest leaves from the top. If you harvest the bottom leaves first, you'll get a lanky, thin plant.\n* Pinch leaves off at the stem to avoiding damaging the stems the leaves are attached to. You can also cut off the leaves with a small pair of scissors.\n\nYou can apparently also harvest and prune the stems - but this seems more involved, and it says \"some people\" do it. So going to start with the basics, as above π\n"
"measurementData": null,
"nutritionData": null,
"usedIn": []