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Oat Milk


  • 1 cup dry rolled oats (do not use instant or quick-cook oats!)

  • 4 cups cold water

  • a pinch of salt

  • (optional, method A) - 1 teaspoon canola oil

  • (optional, method B) - 1/4 cup cashews, soaked overnight

  • (optional, method B) - 1/4 cup macadamias, soaked overnight


  • Put the oats, water, and salt in a blender.
  • Optionally, add the 1 teaspoon of canola oil.
  • Soak the cashews and macadamias overnight.
  • Blend 2 cups of the cold water with the soaked nuts, until creamy.
  • Add the remaining 2 cups of water, 1 cup oats, and pinch of salt
  • Blend mixture for about 10-15 seconds. Don't blend too much, or the milk will be slimy!
  • Initial quick strain of the mixture through a coarse sieve
  • To get big chunks out!
  • Haven’t tried this yet… maybe like (?)
  • Strain the mixture through a clean T-shirt or layered cheesecloths. (A nut milk bag will let too much sediment through).
  • Note: use a large scrap of t-shirt, like maybe even the whole front. This way you can gather then ends of the t-shirt and make it into a kind of bag, and twist the bag around to squeeze filter through the bottom (while avoiding overflow through the β€œtop” of gathered ends!)
  • You can gently nudge the mixture through the cloth with the back of a spoon, but don't push too hard or squeeze the pulp, or you'll push through the gluey starch compounds that, again, will make things slimy.
  • Store the oat milk in the fridge, for up to five days.
  • Remember to give the oat milk a vigorous shake before using it - it will separate!


Nutrition Data

  "serving": "1 serving"
  "nutritionEntries": []
  "id": "oat-milk",
  "emoji": "πŸ₯›",
  "status": "πŸ€– Needs info",
  "name": "Oat Milk",
  "dataFilePath": "./data/eats/oat-milk.json",
  "slug": "oat-milk",
  "summary": "",
  "source": "",
  "sourceUrl": "obsidian:///Users/zachshilton/code/eats-plants/source-files/eats/oat-milk.md",
  "ingredients": [
    "1 cup dry rolled oats (do not use instant or quick-cook oats!)\n",
    "4 cups cold water\n",
    "a pinch of salt\n",
    "(optional, method A) - 1 teaspoon canola oil\n",
    "(optional, method B) - 1/4 cup cashews, soaked overnight\n",
    "(optional, method B) - 1/4 cup macadamias, soaked overnight\n"
  "method": "*   METHOD - SIMPLE\n*   Put the oats, water, and salt in a blender.\n*   Optionally, add the 1 teaspoon of canola oil.\n*   METHOD - WITH NUTS\n*   Soak the cashews and macadamias overnight.\n*   Blend 2 cups of the cold water with the soaked nuts, until creamy.\n*   Add the remaining 2 cups of water, 1 cup oats, and pinch of salt\n*   BLEND\n*   Blend mixture for about 10-15 seconds. Don't blend too much, or the milk will be slimy!\n*   Initial quick strain of the mixture through a coarse sieve\n*   To get big chunks out!\n*   Haven’t tried this yet… maybe like (?)\n*   Strain the mixture through a clean T-shirt or layered cheesecloths. (A nut milk bag will let too much sediment through).\n*   Note: use a large scrap of t-shirt, like maybe even the whole front. This way you can gather then ends of the t-shirt and make it into a kind of bag, and twist the bag around to squeeze filter through the bottom (while avoiding overflow through the β€œtop” of gathered ends!)\n*   You can *gently* nudge the mixture through the cloth with the back of a spoon, but don't push too hard or squeeze the pulp, or you'll push through the gluey starch compounds that, again, will make things slimy.\n*   Store the oat milk in the fridge, for up to five days.\n*   Remember to give the oat milk a vigorous shake before using it - it will separate!\n",
  "notes": "*   Have tried once or twice.\n*   I think I need a *bigger t shirt scrap*. The strategy of straining through the t-shirt seems to work well. But, it should be a large enough scrap that you can gather then ends and start twisting without having to worry about overflow spillage (which defeats the purpose of straining, more or less!)\n*   Apparently you can use the oat pulp in cookies or oatmeal, if you want to avoid discarding it.\n*   An oat milk recipe: <https://minimalistbaker.com/make-oat-milk/>\n*   Oatly Barista-ish recipe: <https://minimalistbaker.com/cashew-coconut-oat-milk-oil-free/>\n*   Another oat milk recipe: <https://simplyoatmeal.com/how-to-make-oat-milk-like-oatly/>\n*   Based on: <https://www.bonappetit.com/story/homemade-oat-milk>\n",
  "nutritionData": {
    "serving": {
      "value": 1,
      "unit": "serving"
    "components": {},
    "_dev": {
      "nutritionEntries": []
  "yieldData": null,
  "measurementData": null,
  "ingredientTree": {
    "ingredients": [],
    "eats": [],
    "flattenedIngredients": [],
    "flattenedEats": []
  "usedIn": []